Source code for voxjar

import os
import json
from voxjar.push_request import PushRequest
import gql
from voxjar.transport import HttpTransport
import voxjar.auth

[docs]class Client(object): """Voxjar API client. Args: url (str, optional): The URL for the API. token (str, optional): The JWT authenticating this Client to the API. timeout (int, optional): The timeout for API calls. """ def __init__(self, url=None, token=None, timeout=None): self.url, self.token = voxjar.auth.credentials(url=url, token=token) graphql_url = '{}/graphql'.format(self.url) self._client = gql.Client( transport=HttpTransport(graphql_url, token, timeout), fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
[docs] def push_request(self, metadata, audio=None): """A file-like object used to enqueue a call audio file to be processed by Voxjar. Args: metadata (dict): The metadata for the call. audio (file): The raw audio bytes of the call. Returns: metadata (dict): The metadata for the uploaded call. Example: .. code:: python import datetime import requests import voxjar metadata = { 'identifier': 'callIdentifier', 'type': { 'identifier': 'typeIdentifier', 'name': 'typeName', }, 'timestamp':, 'direction': 'OUTGOING', # or INCOMING 'agents': [{ 'identifier': 'agentIdentifier', 'name': 'Agent Name', 'phoneNumber': 1234567890, # optional 'hiredAt': '2018-05-29T05:14:18+00:00', # optional 'metadata': { 'someCustomField': 'someCustomValue', }, }], 'customers': [{ 'identifier': 'customerIdentifier', 'name': 'Customer Name', 'phoneNumber': 9876543210, # optional 'metadata': { 'someCustomField': 'someCustomValue', }, }], # optional 'disposition': { 'identifier': 'dispositionIdentifier', 'name': 'dispositionName', }, # optional 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], # optional 'metadata': { 'someCustomField': 'someCustomValue', }, } client = voxjar.Client() r = requests.get('', stream=True) with client.push_request(metadata) as push_request: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): push_request.write(chunk) push_request.push() """ return PushRequest(self.token, metadata, audio=audio, url=self.url)
[docs] def push(self, metadata, audio): """Enqueue a call to be processed by Voxjar. Args: metadata (dict): The metadata for the call. audio (file): The raw audio bytes of the call. Returns: metadata (dict): The metadata for the uploaded call. Example: .. code:: python import datetime import voxjar metadata = { 'identifier': 'callIdentifier', 'type': { 'identifier': 'typeIdentifier', 'name': 'typeName', }, 'timestamp':, 'direction': 'OUTGOING', # or INCOMING 'agents': [{ 'identifier': 'agentIdentifier', 'name': 'Agent Name', 'phoneNumber': 1234567890, # optional 'hiredAt': '2018-05-29T05:14:18+00:00', # optional 'metadata': { 'someCustomField': 'someCustomValue', }, }], 'customers': [{ 'identifier': 'customerIdentifier', 'name': 'Customer Name', 'phoneNumber': 9876543210, # optional 'metadata': { 'someCustomField': 'someCustomValue', }, }], # optional 'disposition': { 'identifier': 'dispositionIdentifier', 'name': 'dispositionName', }, # optional 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], # optional 'metadata': { 'someCustomField': 'someCustomValue', }, } client = voxjar.Client() with open('test.wav', 'rb') as f: client.push(metadata, f) """ with PushRequest(self.token, metadata, audio, self.url) as push_request: return push_request.push()
def execute(self, document, *args, **kwargs): doc = gql.gql(document) if isinstance(document, str) else document return self._client.execute(doc, *args, **kwargs)